The Danger of Molds in Homes with Infants
Molds may not trigger allergies on everyone but it sure can affect the over-all health and wellness of infants. Given the possible adverse effects of molds on babies and young children, mold experts encourage would-be parents and young families to fully inspect their homes prior to a newborn’s arrival.
Experts mention that when inhaled, molds spores can trigger allergic reactions and cause respiratory problems on newborns. It could even cause permanent damage on their health such as asthmas and allergies that may have not been developed had they not been exposed to molds.
It is then crucial that homeowners who are suspecting of a mold issue, act promptly prior to the birth of their child. If their own inspection does not yield results, but they still do suspect that there is mold growth in their home then a professional inspection is warranted. Usually when there is mustiness or staining or warping in the walls or ceiling then most likely molds are behind it. has mentioned several signs that there is molds in a home. “While some discoloration and scruffiness are bound to strike your wallpaper eventually, unusual peeling or surface abnormalities like bubbling or cracking can signal the presence of moisture in the wall. Moisture is a reliable precursor to mold. Keep an eye on your walls and make sure to pay attention to any areas that feel damp or look warped.”
Read more of the signs they have mentioned in their online article here.
Molds and babies
The US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health has published a study on indoor molds and infant health. In the article, they mentioned about some of their findings that relate to illnesses brought about by mold exposure. Mighty Dry
“There is, however, increasing evidence that mold growth indoors in damp buildings is an important risk factor. About 30 investigations from various countries around the world have demonstrated a close relationship between living in damp homes or homes with mold growth, and the extent of adverse respiratory symptoms in children. Some studies show a relation between dampness/mold and objective measures of lung function.”
The rest of the study can be downloaded here.
Health problems
Health website meanwhile quoted a study mentioned in an issue of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine relating to the adverse impact of consistent mold exposure to infants and young children. In their online article they mentioned that molds can cause several respiratory problems.
“Mold and air samples were taken from each home throughout the study. Researchers found that 324 homes had high levels of more than one type of fungi. When factored with other environmental information, such as number of siblings, whether siblings attended daycare, water damage in the home, and number of units in their building, they found that children in homes with the most fungi — mold, mildew, or water damage — had an 86% higher risk of developing upper respiratory infections in the first year.”
Read the rest of the report here.
Homes with infants should indeed be more vigilant about the possible effects of molds on the baby’s health.
Here’s a video showing how a family has been affected by the negative health impact of molds found in their home.
San Diego Mold Remediation
If you recently noticed mold in your home, the team at Mighty Dry is here to help. Contact us today!