
What to do if You Have A flood in Your Home

Front view of home serviced by Mighty Dry

What to do if you have a flood in your home

Flood response 101

Home flooding can leave any homeowner scrambling about what to do, especially if the flooding came unexpectedly.

But since most flooding are unavoidable, what a homeowner can do is to just brave the flood clean up and hope to be able to salvage some home fixtures, and personal items in the process. Mighty Dry San Diego Flood Restoration

The website House Logic advises its readers to conduct a through check right after the flooding.

“If the flood was serious enough for you to leave your home, be sure you stay safe upon your return. The Federal Emergency Management Agency warns that you should check for any visible structural damage, such as warping, loosened or cracked foundation elements, cracks, and holes before entering the home and contact utility companies if you suspect damage to water, gas, electric, and sewer lines.  In addition, it’s important to have a working flashlight and turn off all water and electrical sources within the home.”

Read the post here.

Removing the flood waters

WebMD meantime advised its readers to act quickly once flooding hits their respective homes because molds grow fast! More importantly, the website advised that every homeowner should be able to recognize when he would need professional help to remain safe after a flooding incident. About Us

“The first thing to do is to pump out or soak up any standing water. But be careful: If you’ve got several feet of water in a basement, where fuse boxes and other electrical circuitry may be submerged, have emergency workers clear the space before you get to work. If you have a lot of water in the house, Morley, who has been through two floods herself, says hiring help can be a good investment.”

Take a look at the whole post here.

Flood Insurance

Floodsafety.com meantime reminded homeowners about claiming insurance.

“First things first: call your insurance agent. If your insurance covers the damage, your agent will tell you when an adjuster will contact you. List damage and take photos or videotape as you clean. You’ll need complete records for insurance claims, applications for disaster assistance and income tax deductions.”


Read the rest of the suggested initial flooding response in their web article here.

Knowing what to do during a flooding incident is important when it comes to ensuring one’s safety and that of his family.

San Diego Flood Restoration

If you recently had residential flood damage in your home, the team at Mighty Dry is here to help. Contact us today to get started restoring flood damage in your home.

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